In a culture where most people don’t know their neighbors’ names, where we are lonelier than ever, where we don't know how to talk to people who are different from us, we discovered that we couldn't live without our neighbors. Since then, we wrote some books for those who want to grow in what Jesus Christ said was the most important thing we could ever do with our lives- to love God and love our neighbors.
Grab some friends and go love your neighbors together.

Somewhere along the way we drifted apart from our next-door neighbors, and now we're not sure we can get back together again. We lack a clear vision for showing and sharing Jesus' love with them and how his countercultural values might transform our neighborhoods, including us.
But just imagine. Imagine a neighborhood where people are connected rather than isolated, where wrongs are righted, where mercy brings fences down, and where we become agents in seeing God's kingdom come. Believing the beatitudes are Jesus' invitation into neighborhood flourishing, Neighborhoods Reimagined envisions how these upside-down values can turn our corners right-side-up.
Praise for Neighborhoods Reimagined
"Rather than guilting us into greater openness, Chris and Elizabeth paint a joyful picture for us that generates the desire, ideas, and energy we need to boldly open the doors of our homes..."
Nancy Guthrie, Bible teacher and author of Even Better than Eden
"Through engaging stories, witty illustrations, and down-to-earth analogies, the McKinney's have shown us a better path in how we relate to our neighbors."
Michael Graham, Program Director for The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics
"The thoughtful reflection and discussion questions at the end of each chapter, provide an excellent way to put their insights into practice in community. I highly recommend Neighborhoods Reimagined!"
Cas Monaco, PhD, FamilyLife VP Missiology & Gospel Engagement
"Often books about the Beatitudes are focused on the individual, how do I live out Kingdom values. But the Beatitudes are at their very core interested in the life of the Kingdom in community. That is, with and around our neighbors. Chris and Elizabeth McKinney give us a practically helpful, and uniquely engaging vision of what the life of the Kingdom could look like here “on earth as it is in Heaven.” Imagine what our neighborhoods would be like if we reimagined them from Jesus’ great sermon."
Jeremy Writebol, Pastor of Woodside Bible Church in Plymouth, MI, Executive director of Gospel-Centered Discipleship, author of Pastor, Jesus is Enough
TGCW24 Book Giveaway and FamilyLife Donor Book Giveaway
Many of us don’t know our neighbors. If we do know them, we aren’t sure how to grow the relationship or talk about our faith with them. The purpose of this study is to provide a theologically rich framework for neighboring that helps people live missionally where God has placed them.
We seek to provide a sustainable vision for the “low and slow” lifestyle of neighboring and supply practical tools that help people invest in their communities, value each step in the process, and build meaningful, gospel-motivated relationships with their fellow image-bearers right next door.
Praise for Neighborhoods Reimagined
"Rather than guilting us into greater openness, Chris and Elizabeth paint a joyful picture for us that generates the desire, ideas, and energy we need to boldly open the doors of our homes..."
Nancy Guthrie, Bible teacher and author of Even Better than Eden
"Through engaging stories, witty illustrations, and down-to-earth analogies, the McKinney's have shown us a better path in how we relate to our neighbors."
Michael Graham, Program Director for The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics
"The thoughtful reflection and discussion questions at the end of each chapter, provide an excellent way to put their insights into practice in community. I highly recommend Neighborhoods Reimagined!"
Cas Monaco, PhD, FamilyLife VP Missiology & Gospel Engagement
"Often books about the Beatitudes are focused on the individual, how do I live out Kingdom values. But the Beatitudes are at their very core interested in the life of the Kingdom in community. That is, with and around our neighbors. Chris and Elizabeth McKinney give us a practically helpful, and uniquely engaging vision of what the life of the Kingdom could look like here “on earth as it is in Heaven.” Imagine what our neighborhoods would be like if we reimagined them from Jesus’ great sermon."
Jeremy Writebol, Pastor of Woodside Bible Church in Plymouth, MI, Executive director of Gospel-Centered Discipleship, author of Pastor, Jesus is Enough
TGCW22 Book Giveaway and FamilyLife Donor Book Giveaway